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Ein song om fridom

Så lang ei strand, så kvitt eit hav,
så mørk ei natt, så kald ei grav,
ei sorg så djup, ei kløft så vid,
eit sår som skrik: foræderi!

Om du vil bli din eigen venn
og vera med når sola renn,
//: kom skap ei verd, ei verd å leva i.
No gjeld det kvar og ein sitt eige liv. ://

Og månen skin sin smil så blid.
Og vinden blæs og såret svid.
Men djupt i hav fins ein juvel.
Det fins ei strand i kvar i ei sjel.

Om du vil bli din eigen venn
og vera med når sola renn,
//: kom skap ei verd, ei verd å leva i.
No gjeld det kvar og ein sitt eige liv. ://


norwegian text by Sigve Bøe

Sigve Bøe, født 16. oktober 1948, norsk skuespiller og sanger. Ansatt ved Nationaltheatret 1973–78, Hålogaland Teater 1978–82 og Det Norske Teatret siden 1985, dessuten frilansoppdrag som regissør og skuespiller. Har gjort seg bemerket med store roller i Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar, Operafantomet , Gaukereiret og Orestien på Det Norske Teatret. Han har gjestet Rogaland Teater som Tevje i Spelemann på taket. – Fra film merkes særlig hans birolleinnsats som sosialarbeider i Hard asfalt (1986).


melody by Mikis Theodorakis

Mikis (Michael) Theodorakis (b. July 29, 1925, Greek island of Chios) is one of the most popular Greek song-writers & composers. He is particularly well known for his songs and for his scores in the films Zorba the Greek (1964), Z (1969), and Serpico (1973).
Politically, he identified with the left until the late 1980s; in 1989, he ran as an independent candidate within the centre-right New Democracy party in order for the country to come out of the political crisis that had been created due to the numerous scandals of the government of Andreas Papandreou and helped to establish a large coalition between conservatives, socialists and leftists. In 1990 he was elected to the parliament (as in 1964 and 1981), became a government minister under Constantine Mitsotakis, and fought against drugs and terrorism and for culture, education and better relations between Greece and Turkey. He continues to speak out in favor of left-liberal causes. He has consistently opposed oppressive regimes and was the key voice against the Greek Junta 1967-1974. He have personal views on Palestine or the War in Iraq or Greece - Turkey - Cyprus. He has been mentioned as a candidate for the election as President of Greece, but he has refused to be considered.